
Dental Crown Vs Filling

Woman compare the color of tooth sample

On a recent Saturday when we were open, a young woman walked into our Garland dental practice for a complimentary second opinion/consult.

Chief Complaint

A broken filling that needs to be repaired.

What we found

On examining her tooth and the X-ray we figured out that the a sizable portion of the tooth had broken off.

What patient requested

The patient requested just getting the tooth restored with a large tooth colored filling.

Why We Do Not Recommend A Filling

It’s quite common for patients to want treatment that is conservative in nature and less expensive but many a times such treatment choices have poor outcomes. Especially in this case, a part of the tooth had broken off.

Quality Dental Crowns in Garland TX

Why A Dental Crown Is Better

When a large portion of a tooth fractures quite often than not the ideal treatment option to restore the tooth to a healthy state would be to place a full coverage crown over it.

Some of the reasons for this include the lack of healthy tooth structure to support a simple restoration and high probability of failure or fracture of such a restoration.

Dental Crown Explained

A dental crown is a fixed prosthetic device used to protect teeth and also used to enhance the appearance of teeth.

Conditions that warrant a crown

Conditions that may warrant a crown include a fractured tooth, stained teeth, spaces between teeth that patient desires to have reduced , tooth with large decay and after implant placement.

Porcelain Crowns

Patients frequently prefer to have porcelain crowns due to aesthetics. Shade selection is possible using a shade guide to match the color of the tooth to one’s own teeth.

Call (214) 703-6900 to get dental treatment.

We strive to empower you, to make well-informed decisions about your oral health through individual consultation.

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Complimentary Custom Shade Matching

At Kings Dental we offer patients a wide range of crowns to select from including full metal crowns, porcelain fused to metal crowns, and all-porcelain crowns.

We also offer complimentary custom shade matching where we bring the patient to the lab to get a near perfect color match to the patient’s teeth.

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