There are many reasons that people don’t maintain regular dental appointments. Sometimes it’s a busy schedule, but in many cases, it can be dental phobia. Dental phobia is classified as an intense fear of visiting the dentist. For patients with severe dental phobia, the mere thought of visiting the dentist is frightening and often debilitating.
Dental phobia can pose a real risk to oral health, as it keeps patients out of the dentist’s office. Routine dental care is important because it allows any problems in the mouth to be diagnosed and treated promptly.
At Kings Dental, one way we help our patients with dental phobia or anxiety is through oral sedation. Even though it is extremely safe and has been used for years, some patients still have trepidation over sedation. To help ease fears and encourage patients to explore oral sedation, we’re taking the time to explain the way it works and the benefits.
Oral sedation is prescribed in pill form and given to the patient to take at home before coming into the office for the appointment. The medication eases anxiety and allows patients to feel relaxed and calm during the appointment. Oral sedation medications also tend to have an amnesic effect, which means patients will have little to no memory of the appointment.
We strive to empower you, to make well-informed decisions about your oral health through individual consultation.
Request an AppointmentDr. Suri and her staff will ask patients about any current medications or pregnancy. This helps determine if oral sedation is the right choice and identifies any potential drug interactions.
If a patient is deemed an appropriate candidate for oral sedation, he or she will be sent home with pre and post appointment instructions, which include arranging transportation to and from the office. The medication will leave patients feeling groggy, but this effect is only temporary. Patients are free to resume normal daily activities the following day.
Neglecting oral care due to dental phobia can have an extreme effect on the health of the teeth and gums along with overall wellness. For more information on the benefits of oral sedation, please call Kings Dental in Garland, TX.