In most cases, dental cavities are preventable in children. A combination of healthy eating habits, proper oral hygiene, hydration, and proper drinking habits can help your child maintain a beautiful and healthy smile. Furthermore, preventing cavities is inexpensive, while treating multiple cavities can become expensive quickly.
Young children are being diagnosed with cavities at higher rates than in previous years. What’s more alarming is the number of children with multiple cavities, even up into the double digits. We’re even seeing children who require general anesthesia because of the number of cavities that need to be repaired.
The truth is that parents need to be proactive in their children’s oral health in order to help prevent cavities and keep their teeth and gums healthy. Dr. Suri offers the following advice for parents who are interested in preventing cavities in their children:
- Start taking your child to the dentist at an early age, by their first birthday.
- If you formula feeds your child, use tap water. The fluoride in tap water is good for your child’s teeth.
- Never put your child to bed with a bottle. Remove any milk from the child’s gum or teeth prior to going to sleep. If your child doesn’t have any teeth, this can be done with a damp, soft cloth.
- Use toothpaste once your child’s teeth begin to emerge. A small amount (about the size of a rice kernel) is enough until they learn how to spit. After that, you can begin using a pea-sized amount.
- Brush their teeth at least twice a day and floss once each day. If your child is old enough to try brushing on their own, make sure you follow-up to ensure that the teeth have been properly cleaned.
- Avoid allowing your child to have sugary foods and drinks. If you let them have juice, try to limit it to one glass each day with a meal or snack. A healthy, well-balanced diet can help keep teeth healthy.
We strive to empower you, to make well-informed decisions about your oral health through individual consultation.
Request an AppointmentWe know you want the best for your child, which is why we’re always available to help. If you have questions on preventing cavities, feel free to contact our office.