Cosmetic Dentistry

Garland, TX dentist combines “Main Street”-style dental care with cosmetic treatments “fit for a king”

We like to think of our corner of the metroplex as the jewel in Texas’ crown, and our motto, “Texas Made Here,” certainly captures the industriousness and ingenuity of the Lone Star spirit. As a proud member of the community, Kings Dental shines during the search for a dentist in the DFW – courtesy of its outstanding service, and quality treatments for all patients, regardless of their budget or social status. Along with her team, Dr. Vidya Suri knows that all patients deserve to have the red carpet rolled out to them. And one of the ways she has accomplished this is with exceptional Cosmetic Dental Care in Garland, TX. 

Dr. Suri knows that dentistry should be an inclusive pursuit, rather an exclusive privilege. But there is no single type of cosmetic treatment that is “universally” appropriate for each patient. If that were the case, our jobs as dentists would be a whole lot easier (and everyone would probably have a “perfect” smile!).

At Kings Dental, we consider the “whole person” when evaluating the best treatment for your oral health and to get (or restore) the stunning smile that you desire. These factors are accounted for when determining the best approaches, and when developing your custom treatment plan. Below, Dr. Suri gives you a glimpse into some of the ways that you may be a great candidate for top cosmetic treatments. Likewise, she provides some reasons why alternative procedures may be a better fit for you.

Whiten like a rock star

If you have tried off-the-shelf whitening toothpastes or kits, you may think your teeth are not amenable to bleaching. At Kings Dental, we are here to assure you – it’s not you. It’s the product! OTC products often don’t contain the right active ingredients to lift stain molecules, or they don’t contain a sufficient concentration of proven ingredients. The result? Subtle whitening at best. Dr. Suri’s professional-grade bleaching gels and customized whitening trays contain powerful ingredients that are clinically proven (and sufficiently concentrated) to break up stains. Plus, your safety is ensured when a licensed dentist such as Dr. Suri plans and oversees your treatment. You avoid the potential tissue damage associated with one-size-fits-all kits and other products that you buy at the store or online.

Keep in mind that, should you have certain types of stains or very dark discoloration, we may recommend alternatives such as bonding or veneers to cover up the stained tooth structure. We will also discuss existing restorations with you, as they are not responsive to bleaching, and are an important consideration when planning treatment.

Versatile veneers and bonding

We mentioned bonding and veneers to cover up stubborn stains; however, these treatments are used to correct many different cosmetic flaws. Both options may close gaps, eliminate chips, and even reshape or resize worn-down or other bothersome teeth. They do so by camouflaging these and other imperfections. Bonding is made from composite, a mix of resin and powdered glass or quartz, while veneers are made from lustrous dental porcelain. These treatments replicate natural enamel flawlessly, efficiently, and with no special hygiene requirements.

Veneers and bonding are performed on healthy teeth and gums. If you have more extensive needs, such as severe bite problems or misalignment, orthodontic treatment may be the most appropriate option for you.

Call (214) 703-6900 to get dental treatment.

We strive to empower you, to make well-informed decisions about your oral health through individual consultation.

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Restorations to rebuild teeth

The process of getting composite resin or white fillings is little more involved than dental bonding. If a cavity is identified, Dr. Suri removes the decayed and damaged areas to prepare the tooth for the filling. The resin is then superbly color-matched to the surrounding teeth and applied and bonded to natural structure to seamlessly blend in with the rest of your smile.

Depending on the size of the cavity detected by Dr. Suri, more “coverage” may be required to restore the tooth to its healthy function and appearance. These restorative alternatives may include dental inlays, onlays (partial crowns) or full crowns.

Kings Dental won’t know for sure what works best for your situation until Dr. Suri visits with you and sees your mouth! Call (214) 703-6900 to schedule your appointment at the Garland, TX office.

Dr. Vidya Suri

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